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Thread: Antifreeze leak driving me nuts

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2012-01-22 18:59:55
Antifreeze leak driving me nuts
As title says I got an antifreeze leak that is just making me loose it. It is coming exactly behind the oil filer underneath the intake manifold.

I did change the waterpump an I installed a new intake manifold as mine was cracked. So what else do I got that deals with antifreeze it is directly behind the oil filter and underneath the intake manifold.
2012-01-22 19:03:14
there are two coolant hoses that are underneath the intake manifold check those. also check your heater hoses that run into the cabin. those are the only two places behind the manifold where it could be leaking.
2012-01-22 19:17:00
Those 2 hoses connect to like a metal piece in the middle or something, i think that the metal piece is cracked, what is the name of this tho ?
2012-01-22 19:39:40
211 Water Hose & Piping :: Exhaust & Cooling :: Genuine Nissan Parts :: Sentra / NX Parts (B13) 1991-1994 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com

here you go buddy everything you need.
2012-01-22 22:59:02
So i took a picture of the piece where i saw antifreeze coming out from.

What is the name of it, this is an antifreeze line that goes connected to the head.
2012-01-22 23:31:11
CONNECTOR-BYPASS - Sentra (B13) 1991-1994 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com
2012-01-22 23:50:20

Bingo! thx
2012-01-23 00:09:49
no problem
2012-01-23 01:02:29
look at morgan coming up with the tech links lol
2012-01-25 00:39:22
damn might just change the whole piece, how hard is this of a job? Taking in consideration the transmission is coming off cuz a new clutch is going in.
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