^^ Actually Miko I would be interested in fan choice as well.
Blair, if you get a pm, can you send me the info as well if its not asking too much?? Thanks
oh if i do go ahead and rebuild it should and keep the gospeed radiator or should i get the koyo plan on running 1 pull and 2 push fans
If you are asking questions like these, you are in for a world of hurt and tons of wasted $$$$ and before you know it, all you will have is a pile of parts, a car in pieces and no money. The the part out/no money/unfinished project thread will ensue shortly after..........
I will share the sentiments of KISS as well. Get your basics down first. A simple T25/T28 setup on a regular good condition SR20DE and you will be set for quiet some time. Forget about the SR18. Its a bit of a waste in my opinion, especially with how low prices are for a good condition DE.
Actually on second thought, swap in a stock DE, go read, research, and then a year later pick up a turbo setup.
P.S. Ask Kojima about dropping sleeves and why he recommends AGAINST it (albeit, this is for his race car, but some of the same ideas/concepts as to why all the sleeves he has had has "dropped" will apply to your situation with boost).
Good luck