Just thought I'd share about a car my bother and I finished just now.
It is a bone stock sr20de just tapped.
T-25 out of a 300zx bb manifold external gated
E-85 550 Inj
Blue line is 10psi pump gas 93 low timing for the higher boost that was to come.
Red is the same boost (e-85 was poured into the tank 5gallons)just adjusted the afr to safe levels,everything else stayed the same.gains alone was from the e-85
Green is high boost it bleed down turbo could not keep up.
Next will be some cams and upgrade the 2.5 downpipe to a three. He will be slapping on a big juice turbo later on.
Thanks to my brother for always helping.


The previous owner of this turbo is my close friend and he did 12.4 at 114 mph on 205-50-15 drag radials granny shifting into third due to it grinding nasty. 2.0 60 ft times, full body car all accessories in it.
I'm guessing 11.7-.8 with this car. We'll findout soon after the cam install
It is a bone stock sr20de just tapped.
T-25 out of a 300zx bb manifold external gated
E-85 550 Inj
Blue line is 10psi pump gas 93 low timing for the higher boost that was to come.
Red is the same boost (e-85 was poured into the tank 5gallons)just adjusted the afr to safe levels,everything else stayed the same.gains alone was from the e-85
Green is high boost it bleed down turbo could not keep up.
Next will be some cams and upgrade the 2.5 downpipe to a three. He will be slapping on a big juice turbo later on.
Thanks to my brother for always helping.


The previous owner of this turbo is my close friend and he did 12.4 at 114 mph on 205-50-15 drag radials granny shifting into third due to it grinding nasty. 2.0 60 ft times, full body car all accessories in it.
I'm guessing 11.7-.8 with this car. We'll findout soon after the cam install
Last edited by gio94sr20ve
on 2011-10-15
at 03-59-30.