This is an extremely budgeted build, hence the VET pistons, they are less then half the price of CP pistons. As for rods, i was thinkin of just using some det ones or even the stock ones, remember im not looking for crazy power, an most of the time will be on fairly low boost.. but next time i see that GTR i want to be able to flick a switch that with change my maps which will up my boost and maybe, just maybe be able to stay with him a little longer
I just want to stop worrying about melting my engine, everytime im on boost it runs through my head DONT MELT DONT MELT! My next build, which will be in the distant future (if this one works out) and i will take my time an do a CP piston / pauter rod combo with all the rest of the goodies.
but for now i want something im not so scared to turn the boost up lol.
I'm also planning on taking advantage of the nemu's boost by gear when its available, that should help take it easy on the trans, which is something else that will be upgraded with the fully built engine.