Thanks guys, I'm def excited! Gonna be patient an take my time an do things how I feel is right..
Really hoping the tires and some learning helps me get down the track quicker..
I might of also forgot to mention that Nate and I got a tig welder now we are learning how to tig!
Here is some 3/16 aluminum
Here is a stainless pipe I had layin around, got it to do a waste gate dump back in the day an ended up not using it so been practicing on it..
First few from left to right are just fusion welded then we tried with the wrong filler rod for fun but Shits stuck together we couldn't beat it apart lol, no back purging either..
We are obviously begginers but we are making progress every day, stay tuned for some more custom work coming! We will be doing much nicer jobs on out cars now that we have more equipment to work with