You are just going to make the divider thinner and more narrow, right?
I don't follow your logic. Say what?
Well, the twin scroll spools the turbo too fast. With the .78 housing the surge sucked. Anything more than 12-14psi would surge, even with the ported shroud. I didn't want to damage the turbo, and the engine still felt choked up. So I went with the 1.06. It helped a lot, but mid-boost with mid-gear still creates nasty surge. I feel like the housing not flowing enough is choking the engine and creating this surge. I didn't have this problem with the VET cams, or with the open housing... then again the turbo didn't spool nearly as fast.
I would love to sacrifice just 100-200rpm spool to get better top end and cure the surging. We will have to see. I have played with the cams a bit and around 4000-5000rpm when the surge happens, I can cure it by not switching the cams. On the dyno, I kick the cams early because they show big gains in spool, but the load is less and the surge goes away. Bigger housing would slow the spool a bit and cure some of the surge?