Hey guys. I bought a can of throttle body cleaner and it says DO NOT use on turbocharged engines. Is this true?? I was thinking that its referring to not use it on the turbo charger of course, but can't I use it to clean the throttle body???
I can kind of see why. Carb cleaner doesn't seem to burn too easily when you flood the engine with it cleaning out the intake manifold, thus it would leak into the exhaust housing and could be ignited in there.
Ok. Some people said it was a-ok to use it and they said they did with their turbo motors. But I think I'm not going to use it then. Maybe I will just spray some on a cloth and clean it out by hand so it wouldn't get into the motor. But I also want to ask, can we use seafoam through the brake booster? Or would this have the same effect has using carb/throttle body cleaner.
You can put some cleaner on a rag easy enough to clean the TB with it on the engine. I did it to my old highport. I used some seafoam on a rag, and the grease melted away. Just hold the butterfly open, and wipe away. I'd also like to know if you can seafoam a boosted engine? My buddy is scared to do it to his.
I usually prop the throttle open with a screwdriver and just clean it by hand with tb cleaner and paper towels. Repeat until you can't find any black junk. I realize this leaves the rest of the manifold full of that crap but I don't like the idea of running that black junk through the engine anyway turbo or not.
Taking off the tb is easy enough and all but then I'd be tempted to take out the whole manifold upper.
1991 NX - Stalking Horse - mild bolt-ons
1993 Sentra - my freinds 4 door SE-R VVL USDM Tsuru Sunny Supersaloon conversion in progress
2011 Forester XT - DD
"Everybody's got a plan... and then I punch them in the mouth." Mike Tyson
i saw some youtube videos of alot of turbo cars using seafoam, but still, it does sound kinda scary since there are precautions of using seafoam even in the crankcase. I've heard it can melt or weaken bottom end stuff like rings, head gasket and what not. I did clean out my intake manifold before doing the swap. I took the whole thing apart and cleaned all the gunk in there.