I am not going to bother anymore....after this.... how many of you have seen a log manifold with stock cams make in the high 300whp range on pretty low boost 12-14lbs? I have, more than just once. The first one I saw was even done on an e-manage omg! Actually, how many of you have ridden in a ve/stock cammed/log manifold car that was dyno tuned? How about been there for the dyno tuning? Jamie, I know you don't want to beat the horse anymore but I hate the fact that because one person had troubles, it is now a fact that a log won't work on a ve with stock cams. I know it isn't ideal but.............. It does freakin' work. It worked 7 years ago and I would imagine it would still work now, lol. Is it optimal..... NO! but can it work for moderate power.... YES! I need some of the o.g.'s to back me up on this because the forum and this thread is being cluttered with all sorts of misinformation that somehow became gospel. For some reason these things only work in CT and FL I guess smh
I can definitely vouch for Nates vog manifold VET. One of the forums best tuners and one of the fastest street cars of it's time.
Stock VE with a super 60. I'm sure Supercowboy and others were there for the dyno too. It was so long ago I don't remember who else was there that day.