OEM OEM OEM, what the hell is worng with OEM.
Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine headbolt/stud necessity:
1. Am I pushing 500whp+?
2. Did I spend 6k+ on my motor build?
3. Do I want to risk my 6k+ engine on a $500 part?
If you answer no to 1 then OEM are fine.
If you answer yes to 2 but no to 1, OEM are fine
If you answer no to 3 spend the money on good studs/bolts
That was a little simplistic, but aftermartket studs/bolts are not necessary for most people's builds, especially when the cheapest viable option is JUN for $300. OEM hold up great and are more then enough for daily driven 350+ and track time 430+ and they are $50, so what if you have to replace them when you change HG's. If you are pulling your head so much that your OEM bolts are costing as much as JUN/Tomei/Greddy then something else should be addressed in your engine. I have never heard of head lift on a motor 500hp or less that used OEM bolts, if you have please share.