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Thread: Topmount T3/T4 setups and Radiators

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2011-07-25 20:40:02
I drag and daily my 200sx with a civic dual core half size. I run between 200-225 on 115 degree days. I drive this car about 1100 miles per week and have no heating issues.

Not to be offensive, but as I said before, a 1/2 size radiator is not an option I want to delve into for various reasons. Also, a street/strip is very difficult to compare to sustained open throttle situations. A 10-15 sec burst down the drag strip and idling in traffic does not put anywhere close to the stress a cooling system would see from a solid 20-30 mins session of open tracking. No where close........Hence why I need as much surface area and working fluid as possible
Also, again, I am not looking at re-routing pipes as that can bring an entirely new crop of problems into the equation I much prefer to not deal with ATM. A little fab work to move the radiator to compensate for the added thickness is something that can and will be considered however. I am just wary of hack jobs (even if done correctly).
My moto, KISS (keep it simple stupid)

Coheed, I am watching your project very closely. But there are a lack of recent updates. How is the progress coming along??

Jere, yeah, it seems that is what will have to take place. I was hoping I could see some pics for reference however (if anyone has ANY pics of thier current setup..........)

Thanks for the suggestions folks!!
Last edited by Boostlee on 2011-07-25 at 20-47-24.
2011-07-25 21:07:25
Did you look through the turbo setup thread at all? There might be something in there to give you an idea. http://www.sr20-forum.com/turbo/32464-turbo-set-ups-post-pics-12.html
2011-07-25 22:57:48
^^^ Actually I have (if you look through I think I have a post somewhere amount the others..........I am currently subscribed to the thread regardless).
2011-07-27 01:38:57
I've run into budget snags as of late, but I planned on getting that taken care of this week. Having kids sucks up money when you have to pay for insurance and dentist work etc. Uhg.

So I will be ordering the stuff from Greg this week and getting the ball rolling on it. It will come pretty quickly at that point. I am ready to drive it again. But I am in the same boat. I need as much cooling capacity as possible.

My project may not seem like the right way to go, but I ask you this; which direction would you go? I need to clear some area for the manifold and larger radiator, and also need to make this setup reliable. It came down to relocating the radiator, or buying a different turbo manifold. Either way means spending big $. The radiator support being removed means I have to come up with some solutions to locking the hood down, as well as proper grille supports.
2011-07-29 06:44:38
As stated above, you can move the rad forward under the core support or in front of it in the hood latch area...at least in a b13. I'm sure you can make it work in a b14 too. Here are a few pics of my forward mounted radiator.

Send me some dimensions, and I will find out if I can get a radiator core that will work.
2011-07-30 04:34:18
The dimensions I had worked up were around 25" long, 14-15" tall, and 3" deep. Something like that would work. I'm going with off-shelf parts, and modifying the car to accept it. This helps keep things simple for future endeavors.
2011-07-30 04:49:05
Jav, that is exactly what I am looking for, as I might have an idea!! I have also looked through your blog and it has some interesting points. Also, thank you for the first to actually post a picture

Coheed, thanks for those dimensions!! I am getting dirty tomorrow and we will see what I come up with (I will snap a few pics)

2011-07-30 05:21:19
Let me know if you need any more, I have tons of pics! My cooling system is a little different than stock...uses a gravity fed electric pump, a surge tank, and rerouted coolant lines. You should be able to get a forward mounted rad to work with the stock coolant lines though.
2011-07-30 05:22:44
Jav, can you send your setup to silverchain98@yahoo.com?? I guess it will be much easier that way

Thanks again!!
2011-07-30 05:35:18
No problemo. I'll write it up, upload it to the site, and send the link your way
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