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Thread: VE-T wont rev past 4.5k

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2011-07-05 01:51:52
double and tripple checked all the piping, all is good

the car bogs at 5psi/4,500rmp

i unplugged the wastgate to see if it's not building boost, >> still boggs at 4,500 but at 9psi

i'm gonna run my N/A intake and see how it runs, could be a bad MAF or wiring..

MAF adapter

2011-07-05 01:59:51
If it was the maf then you wouldn't be able to rev past 3,500 rpm (safe mode).

I just wired in high cams and can't rev too high my self, but I'm overboosting at 13 psi compared to 6psi it's supposed to do. It just sputters here too. My TPS is way off though, I just made a data log and will see if I can find anything .
2011-07-05 02:52:49
Vadim, i was thinking maybe the MAF is bad so it's dropping the voltage.

I need to find a 370 4bar, VE-T.. DE MAF tune,

tomorrow i'll check my spark plugs, could be something simple like that.. also will try to run a more simple intake, no IACV line. I cant find my W10 intake pipe it's in one of my trunks
2011-07-05 03:21:18
Well found my issue. I have a Tial 38mm Wastegate, got it used so no instructions. I hooked up the nipple ontop of the wastegate, overboosted, connected side and top, still overboosted (and sputter). Turns out you need to connect the side only, if you have an EBC/MBC then use the top for that one.

She still sputtered in 2nd gear, but my AFR's are in the 10's (since it was tuned for 12 psi overboosting).

You have ECU talk running, look at the datalog for the MAF voltages, take one run 0-7k rpm and see if the values are linear.
2011-07-05 03:37:18
Originally Posted by rmyc
yeah i just got it running, i checked the couplers, looked find, i'm gonna wrap them with duct tape and see if it help, then i can find out which coupler is out.

drove it 5miles, its fine shifting at 4k, but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh i wanna hear my VVL kick

If your desperate you could always set the vvl controller at 2500rpms. You'll have another 1500rpms of rev room to get your jollies off.
2011-07-05 03:48:51
Originally Posted by Vadim
Well found my issue. I have a Tial 38mm Wastegate, got it used so no instructions. I hooked up the nipple ontop of the wastegate, overboosted, connected side and top, still overboosted (and sputter). Turns out you need to connect the side only, if you have an EBC/MBC then use the top for that one.

She still sputtered in 2nd gear, but my AFR's are in the 10's (since it was tuned for 12 psi overboosting).

You have ECU talk running, look at the datalog for the MAF voltages, take one run 0-7k rpm and see if the values are linear.

i think i have ECU talk or w.e. that free one is

Originally Posted by Topdog781
If your desperate you could always set the vvl controller at 2500rpms. You'll have another 1500rpms of rev room to get your jollies off.

lol, yeah i know..

also, for ppl that asked, I'm using HKS SSQV Type2
2011-07-06 05:44:55
Yup that's ECU talk, I recognized it by your videos .

Check your TPS voltages opened and closed. Opened should be around 4v, closed should be .35-.55 depending on what ECU you have.
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