theres one to find your if its your headgasket..
remove your t stat. put your housing back on with no t stat.
remove all of your spark plugs
refill your engine with coolant to the top and leave your rad. cap off.
remove your fuel pump fuse
install one spark plug per cyl. and and have someone crank the car while your looking at the radiator fill hole and see if any bubbles come out. if theres no bubbles proceed to the next one and do it again untill you find out which cyl compression is leaking into your coolant.. if no bubbles your good. if there is ur fugged..
we did this on my buddies 92 se-r and had cyl 3 and 4 blowing bubbles
and on a 97 stratus cyl 1 was leaking bad..
try this and it works..
good luck..
usually when its the head gasket..youll have coolant boiling onto your reservoir and reservoir leaking, and overheating.. sometimes when its really bad it will blow your radiator apart from the tanks and could pop a coolant hose..