I plan on doing some type of retirement/investments later down the road. As far as right now, im over here to not just pay off the little bit of debt we have but to have a good fair amount in savings, fix up the house and basicly put myself financially that would have taken 3 years to do. We might decide to do something with some of that savings as far as putting it away in investments or retirement or something later. Thats something me and the wifey are gonna discuss once im done over here.
If all works out like i want, i am doing the year over here, maybe take 6 months off from overseas and work stateside for this company and then come back for another 6 months as an FSR or something along those lines and get paid almost twice. So 6 months would almost equal a year almost. That money will go to saving and investment as well. We do have a plan and its happening as we speak. Im enjoying my time over here and loving the money. Miss the family dearly but I know and my wife knows in the end its gonna be worth it and already is worth it.
If all works out like i want, i am doing the year over here, maybe take 6 months off from overseas and work stateside for this company and then come back for another 6 months as an FSR or something along those lines and get paid almost twice. So 6 months would almost equal a year almost. That money will go to saving and investment as well. We do have a plan and its happening as we speak. Im enjoying my time over here and loving the money. Miss the family dearly but I know and my wife knows in the end its gonna be worth it and already is worth it.