FSM JDM PNT30, modified for machine translation in the browser on the English:
To download the modified version for machine translation on English, 183 Mb
It is prepared
kaskas and
AlexS (drom.ru)
File unrar in a folder on a hard disk.
For machine translation with Japanese on English it is recommended to establish browser
Mozilla Firefox and in the browser to establish the
Panel of tools Google (the panel supports only Explorer and Firefox, but Explorer works incorrectly).
In the browser it is necessary to open a starting file
\T30_japanese_for_translation\01\TableOfContents.htm (to restayling) or
\T30_japanese_for_translation\02\TableOfContents.htm (restayling), panels of tools
Google to press button "
Translate". After that in a falling tab to choose page language - Japanese and again to press button "Translate". In panel options it is possible to specify always to translate from the Japanese.