Yea MIko is in FL. I am from FL too. I get my stuff from Andreas, great guy. I am also doing that SR20 in my QG shell. I have one issue. I need to figure that harness thing(what engine harness should I use, which will work with my QG stock car harness). Don't know what I am going to do with my harness issue(I can go with AEM costly). Read some articles and spoke to Andreas. Andreas said he will get back to me on that Harness issue. Did research and guys have done the swap before, but in some cases they changed the entire harness and used the pulsar cluster, ac doesn't work an all that stuff. I am curious, if the b15 SE comes with a SR, I was actually thinking would that harness work with my car harness ? any one can help me with that question?
I have a VVL head + pulsar block. Was wondering if I can use the B15 SE engine harness and would that plug and play with my car harness. I have a reason I think it "might" work; If you use the SpecV cluster on the both the SE and GXE(QG18), both water temps wont work. They both have that issue, was wondering if there is some possibility that the car harness is similar to mine? Minus the engine harness it self, I am just thinking of possibilities.The QG is coil pack and SE is distributor. That is a big difference
I have a maf and Jim wolf ecu already so if I have to go standalone I mite sell both so if you still want to go SR i can sell you mine. I might not have any use for it.