Originally Posted by XxToKeSxX
No... that still spools too fast. I mean step away from the t2 sized turbos... look into a super 60, sc61, gt30, something that will spool later, especially if you go VE-T. That way it will drive like an na car when you feather and boost a little later.
No... that still spools too fast. I mean step away from the t2 sized turbos... look into a super 60, sc61, gt30, something that will spool later, especially if you go VE-T. That way it will drive like an na car when you feather and boost a little later.
Maybe I need to upgrade to something a little bigger. This 17-20mpg crap is getting old with these gas prices! Sucks you're getting rid of that intake V, I was interested in hearing what you thought of it.
After getting my first ride in a VE last weekend, I would definitely put my vote on going the VE+T route. It was such a fun ride, I can see lots of potential with boost.