VE of the engine affects the flow rate of the turbo based on the pressure ratio and adiabatric efficiency. Without going much further into detail, I can tell you for certain that WHP/PSI will change based on the engines compression ratio, just as it does with different cams. Though cams increase flow and dynamic compression, rather than the thermal efficiency.
A higher compression motor will make the same average WHP as a lower compression motor pound for pound with the same turbo.
A higher compression motor will make more WHP than a lowe compression motor yes but the average WHP per pound will be the same.
Dont bring cams in to this talk because one has nothing to do witht the next cams will make more WHP just to the main fact that if a cam is bigger it will alow more air into the engine per revalution which will make more HP. Then the WHP will go up even greatet because of of more compressed air going in per revalution.
This is not the same with compression. The average WHP will always be great because you started with higher compression but the average WHP per boost will stay the same between a lower compression motor and a higher compression motor.
Cams and compression do 2 diffrent things.
At the end of the day you need to look into your car as to why it is making 450 WHP at 24 PSI.
I am not having any troubles with the WHP department.