going to tear your turbo up that way...you need a bov. That air that the bov was letting out will now make it back to your turbo and make it spin backwards...not good.
I realize this. but its only temporary until I can get a new BOV. and I'm staying out of boost until then. do you think it will last until the 28th when I get paid? of course I'll continue to baby it until then.
if you stay out of boost, yes you should be ok. At least it's flat in sofla and you don't have to climb any hills or anything. What bov do you have? If it's the one that came with the motor put it in a vice and crush it a little and it will hold at idle and still release when the throttle plate shuts.
its the factory bluebird BOV. and I'm gonna try to crush it soon. like tommorow lol. I'm just afraid to screw up the nipple that the vaccum hose connects to. but a new BOV should be on the way any day now anyways. So I guess I'll give it a try tommorow then. and thanks for the help dude!