Originally Posted by Coheed
My 740cc injectors are at 90% duty at 450whp or so according to datascan. But I hear that the injectors can support 550whp or so with more pressure. My maf readings are also very near the 5V max.
For 400whp I think the 740cc injectors are the best bet. Along with a z32 maf and you are set.
My 740cc injectors are at 90% duty at 450whp or so according to datascan. But I hear that the injectors can support 550whp or so with more pressure. My maf readings are also very near the 5V max.
For 400whp I think the 740cc injectors are the best bet. Along with a z32 maf and you are set.
Wow ok, I guess I should sell my subie injectors then. Although I really don't know if I will be aiming for 400 whp I think I have the mods to do it. I should get those rc 750s then huh? I could get them for around 200 bucks that just got cleaned and checked about 2 weeks ago. Thanks guys! All of you guys are the best!