well i got the injectors in and turned the boost controller all the way down to basicly block the wastegate after tuning it to 8psi. well the turbo itself held 21psi from 3500-4500rpms then dropped to 16-17 and held there from 4500-6000rpms, then it kept sputtering after that, then every time i would go into boost it would missfire. so i got home checked the plugs and 1-3 were good, really sooty from the tuning process but good, then number 4 i pulled it and what do you know, the tip of the plug was gone and melted away. nice. funny thing is that it was still running on 4 cylinders while cruising, it just didnt want to go into boost. put new plugs in it and turned the boost controler down a bit to see if i could get it to stop sputtering above 6krpms. a/f was holding 10.0-10.5. i have the settings all the way out so ive run out of room. i have a friend with a jwt ecu that he will let me use and im thinking i will get it retuned for my setup to make life easier. I cant get the a/f any leaner up top. It pulls like a madman though but only a little faster than my setup at 8psi due to running way too rich.
plus i think the plug went because of the heat from the turbo running too high of boost. ive never messed with a manual boost controler before so i have to get used to it to find the right setting. I want to set it to where it will spike to 16-17psi and hold 15psi. of course thats gonna drop after 6krpms. but that heat from the turbo was probably the caue of the plug getting melted. Oh well no harm to the motor. motor still runs awsome after the new plugs. lessoned learned, haha so now its time to find the sweet point.
plus i think the plug went because of the heat from the turbo running too high of boost. ive never messed with a manual boost controler before so i have to get used to it to find the right setting. I want to set it to where it will spike to 16-17psi and hold 15psi. of course thats gonna drop after 6krpms. but that heat from the turbo was probably the caue of the plug getting melted. Oh well no harm to the motor. motor still runs awsome after the new plugs. lessoned learned, haha so now its time to find the sweet point.