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Thread: question

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2010-11-05 11:32:57

i got a question the 50lb injectors do they come side feed? i've been looking for a set for a few weeks and ill i find is top feed. also how much boost could the 50lb injectors hold?

2010-11-05 14:03:14
You should look into Subaru Imprezza WRX STi side feed injectors. They drop into the factory rail, but have different clips, easy enough to modify.

As to how much BOOOST they will hold, are you talking about how much pressure they can withstand? Are you trying to ask what power level they could support?

I hate to be pedantic, but you do realize that boost and power are two completely different things, right? Power is more a function of flow, not boost. I cannot answer how much boost you will be able to run with these injectors, because it depends on your turbo.

Here is a useful calculator, it might be able to help you. RC Fuel Injection
2010-11-05 14:42:55
Gana Have A T28 Turbo And Wondering On Both How Much Power And Pressure It Can Withstand
2010-11-05 14:49:21
2010-11-05 17:27:50
You're turbo will run out steam before the injectors will.
2010-11-05 18:00:59
So I Could Have Them At 25lb With No Problems AND THATS THE STI INJECTORS RIGHT??
2010-11-05 19:30:17
Oh sure, the injectors will be fine, but your engine won't be.
2010-11-05 19:44:50
So Would I Be Able To Do The 25lb If I Have It Tuned I Have An Safc2
2010-11-05 21:18:06
Originally Posted by s383_nx2k
So Would I Be Able To Do The 25lb If I Have It Tuned I Have An Safc2

no man, for starter a T28 (S14 or GTiR) wont even make 25psi...

with a T28 I would say 18psi tops, anymore than that and in short time you will need a new engine...

If you want to boost 25psi you need something bigger, something like GT35R...
2010-11-05 21:44:35
Ok that's some good info thanks
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