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Thread: BC stg2 cams, BC springs, RAS, and 8k red line help

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2010-11-03 16:34:23
BC stg2 cams, BC springs, RAS, and 8k red line help
hey guys i did a lot of searching and came to the conclusion of my setup.

i currently have a w10 det all stock with a t3/t4 ar60 cold side n 63 hot side with 450cc denso dsm injectors running 4 bar with a n60 maf. also have a safc neo.

my target whp is 310 to 325whp. i already ordered tomei rocker arm stoppers, bc det springs that i will use with stock retainers, and a msd 6al to extend my redline to 8000rpm. would that be good enough to run a 8k redline? i dont want to have valve float problems or anything. if i wont have valve float i might also make the redline a little higher like 8200rpm if possible. im still thinking on which cams to run but kinda leaning towards the stage 2's. wheres the power band for the stage 2 and stage 3 cams? like from what rpm to what rpm is the power band kicking at? can i use stage 3 cams with bc springs and stock retainers with a 8k red line or should i stick with the stage 2's?

im also still thinking if i should get a ve oil pump and Gspec/UR water pump pulley for the water cavitation problem. do u think this is really needed??

please help me out n let me know if my setup will be safe enough and what cams i should get. i'm looking for more response since i will be running my b14 on time attack tracks and auto cross tracks. this is also kind of a daily driver for me too
2010-11-03 16:44:16
Ur not gonna make power to 8k with that turbo.

With that being said im not a fan of bcstg2s. Go for the stage 3s with springs and retainers.

Or you can run jwt s4s they make power and i rev them to 8k on my de+t with stock springs and retainers.

2010-11-03 16:55:52
oh damn i thought i would with the cams. would the stage 3's get me up to 8k with power? any idea where the power band is with the the 2 cams? thanks
2010-11-03 17:03:30
U need a gt35 or so to make peak power at 8k or past it.

The cams i mentioned will bump your band up due to them being high end cams. Most likely a strong 3500 to about 7k give or take, same for jwt s4s.

Not sure on the band on bc2s but the numbers they put down ive never been impressed with.

2010-11-03 17:11:46
oh ok i see. so up to what power range would the turbo make power until? can i use stage 3's with bc springs and stock retainers? do i really need the bc retainers? will the stage 3's give power over 7k? also hows the slope idle with them?
2010-11-03 17:19:13
This is BC stage 2 cams.

I am happy with what I have. Everything is stock, internally, except for the cams. Full emissions equipment, stock flywheel and pullies.

Full 2.5" exhaust, 3" CAI, JWT ECU with SAFC II piggyback

If you want to go above 8000, get springs and retainers. Since you are getting springs and retainers, find some big ass cams.
2010-11-03 17:36:20
ok cool thanks again with the help. i still got ur dyno in my pm's for reference. so would the stage 2 cams pull hard until 7400rpm with the det red line? if u start feeling these at 4300-4600rpm then the stage 3's will probably be felt later on right?
2010-11-03 17:43:04
The peak HP is where the cams are most alive. That would be around 7100 RPM or peak HP.

Yes, they do start pulling in a bunch of air around 4300-4700 RPM and that is when the engine starts to come alive in a WOT run. Aka peak torque level around 4700 RPM.

My red line is 7700 RPM from the JWT ECU with stock springs and retainers. My idle is rock steady because of JWT advancing my base timing to 25* idle timing. It idles around 1070-1100 RPM.
2010-11-03 17:52:24
oh ok cool i might go with the stage 2's then and cancel everything else. ur using stock springs and retainers right? r u using rocker arm stoppers to help with the higher rpm n keep everything in place? now im thinking of just getting the stage 2 cams and rocker arm stoppers then spend the money on suspension mods instead. i really need some sway bars on my b14.
2010-11-03 17:54:36
So basically, return the rocker arm stoppers. What they do is break your rocker ams when they pop off, instead of just letting them pop off. It's a wonder that people still use them.

For 8000rpm on an aggressive cam you probably want to upgrade your valve springs. If you want to go higher you should invest in the VE oil pump and the roller rocker lifters. This will prevent them from collapsing at high RPM's. If you've looked at the top of the retainers, you will notice that one shim is flat and one shim is grooved. Some people replace the flat shim with a grooved shim to help keep the rocker arm in place.

But honestly, to make 300WHP the stock top end is completely fine. My suggestion would be to take the money you were going to spend on valve train and invest in a modern turbo and engine management, its money better spent.
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