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Thread: tps voltage

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2010-11-02 23:32:04
tps voltage
I've been fooling with the tps voltage on the car and noticed that everytime I set the tps at ~.40 the car dies after starting, even when given some gas. I am running without the iacv as well. When the tps is set at ~.65 it will stay running pretty much without any throttle. So, the easy thing to do would be to keep it at .65 and be done with it, but I'm also running super rich and felt that if I lowered the voltage on the tps the ecu would pull some fuel because it doesn't think that the throttle plate is opened up as much. Keep in mind that this is on a cold motor.

Am I correct on this??
2010-11-03 19:47:59
try setting the voltaje with the engine on working temperature.

i just setted mine to 0.48 and 4.12 and runs great
2010-11-03 19:54:43
engine needs to be warmed up and the voltage should be .48volts at idle. You may need to clear the tps memory off the ecu so it will relearn and run right.
2010-11-04 01:18:38
ok, i'll try it out, thanks.
2010-11-04 09:33:58
at 0.65 the ECU is probably not even registering the throttle as closed. It should be between 0.45 and 0.55 to register closed throttle.

If you're not running the proper idle valves then you might need to adjust the throttle stop so the throttle stays open a little at idle but still have the TPS values within the proper range.
2010-11-04 21:20:12
Originally Posted by Cozzm0_AU
If you're not running the proper idle valves then you might need to adjust the throttle stop so the throttle stays open a little at idle but still have the TPS values within the proper range.

Exactly what I'm doing, but I made a stiff bracket for the cable and have been using the throttle cable to do this. Car wants to die now that I moved the voltage down into specs. The manual says .35-.60 so I may try to stay toward the upper range of those specs and see what happens.
2010-11-04 23:59:34
Let the car warm up and at .50 she's running good, the afr's look awesome 12's and 13's.
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