Yes with safc you can use any maf or any size of injector you just have to select on the safc the correct in and out value of the hot-wire option and it's done. For example:
I was using: Stock ecu
370cc and stock maf = 5 in and 5 out on the safc (Stock Reference Values)
370cc and z32 maf = 2 in and 5 out on the safc
Sard 850cc and z32 = 2 in and 2 out on the safc
I thought that the IN value is for the maf size and the OUT value is for the injectors size. That is just a values for the maf and injectors then you have to make adjustments to the lo-throttle and the hi-throttle settings. You have to find the in and out values if you have other size of injectors and any other maf.
Yes this is an interesting find that should work well with some good tuning skills. In actuallity the safc can correct more than -50%, it wouldnt work the other way around being the stock ecu hotwire is 6 on our cars. If you run out of room on the correction part you can always bring down the out on the hotwire setting. Dropping the out on the hotwire setting will reduce the input to the ecu reducing fuel %.
For example my settings for my in and out are at 2in 6out for my z32 maf. The stock maf is 6 so the safc changes the input from the z32 and adds volatage to it to match what the stock maf would see. If i change my out setting from 6 to 5 the safc wont add as much voltage to the input to the ecu resulting in less fuel.
All you would really have to do is figure out how much of a percentage the change from each hotwire setting is and you can use that to your advantage to take out more fuel, meaning more than 50% more on the 200% range of adjustability. Thus allowing you to use 850cc injectors with a stock maf. I will have to do some calculating to figure out the voltage percentage change on my safc to get some sort of percentage change for each setting