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Thread: Jwt S4 cams or vvl head ?

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2010-10-19 01:35:25
Jwt S4 cams or vvl head ?
Im currently running gtir manifold, gt2871r (.64 exhaust housing)turbo, s4 cams and an internal wastegate.

Im going to rebuild the turbo soon and im pulling the motor.

Will i make more power with the vvl head and an external wastegate setup on the gtir manifold or will i make less power because of exhaust flow with the vvl head? Should i port the exhaust ports on the head?

Future outlook on the setup
u13 bottom end
VVl head
Bc Springs/Retainers
Gtir mani w/ gt2871r turbo
all supporting mods to run 18-20psi
2010-10-19 01:39:32
You can't go wrong with a VVL head.
2010-10-19 01:45:38
sounds like a fun setup. I can't wait to finish my vvl turbo setup.
2010-10-19 02:02:49
The S4 is a simple upgrade and can be done in 45min to 2 hrs depending on your speed. It will make awesome power. The VVL will be choked up with a t28, but it can be done and will perform ok. But the VVL really shines on large frame T3 turbos.
2010-10-19 03:49:59
Go VVL if you have the chance.
2010-10-19 04:02:35
^This. VVL ftw!
2010-10-21 02:59:44
I'm running a GTiR T28 turbo right now, it needs some more breathing!!! This is with a VE head BTW...
2010-10-21 20:49:18
A ve head out breathes a reg t28. Time for a bigger turbo.

2010-10-21 21:04:25
So...in a nut shell. You can run the VE head and it will outperform the DE and S4's. But not by much.

Run the T28 with the S4's and 20psi and with all the other supporting mods you need you should be able to hit 400whp tuned right. A VE head is a hassle. If you want to go VE then get a VE build it and throw a GT30 or 35 on it.
2010-10-21 21:25:34
Yes, a de and s4 cams is a great combo too.

Thats what i run. I will build a vet down the road.

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