I would have to say all being equal, you will make more power with the vvl head than a stock de head with s4's. Get the biggest exhaust housing you can and don't boost 20 psi till you get it sorted. You should be able to hit over 300whp with the ve head on way less than 20 psi. Stock 20vvl cams are bigger on the high lobes than the s4's. Add to that the head flows much better and you will make more power with less boost. You will hit a ceiling effect, but don't let the people theorising scare you. Just do it, run what boost you are safe and happy at and upgrade to a larger turbo later. Someone on here with a t25 on a vvl made 290 something whp and your turbo will outflow that by far. I don't think 330-340 is out of the question on 15-16 psi. That being said, I'd probably run 11-12 psi daily to be safe and be around 300 whp