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Thread: Help to get 450-500 hp

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2010-10-12 05:22:33
Help to get 450-500 hp
Ok, all is good with my motor and running mint. I wanna go 450-500 hp and trying to choose which route to take and hoping I'll get an experts advice.

here's what i have in the motor so far:


1. 86.5mm JE pistons + Sleeves
2. BC springs, retainers and valves
3. Eagle rods
4. EVC VI boost control
5. Supersonic BOV
6. EMS 8860 ecu
7. N62 MAF

I have a stock t25 on it right now maxing it to 14psi from time to time, I want something responsive and not laggy

I have several injectors on stand by

1. 480 cc sidefeed
2. 1000 cc SARD low impedence top feed
3. 750 cc sard LI top feed
4. GTiR ITB (if it'll make a difference)

I was about to purchase an sc6262 but concerned about the lag, I need low to mid end power as I use the car on a short track hoping to get better lap time, I also have a VE head with BC valve train stock VE cams.

If you were me what would you do?
2010-10-12 05:29:08
Put the VE head on that block, buy the SC6262, and you will be where you want in power

within a fairly low boost pressure. Done.

2010-10-12 05:31:41
you really do not need the sleeves for that bore size .....and the SC6262 is a great turbo and it would make those #s easy but it is really capable of alot more , but for short track with a goal of 450-500 I would defenlty pick somthing smaller mayby a SC5857 or whatever it is or a GT30R , and as for INJ. you will need a minumum of 750cc, probaly 1000cc for the added safty margin , hope this helps ,
2010-10-12 05:32:49
^or a cheaper route. Just buy the sc6262 and up the boost a bit and make 550whp with water/meth injection to be totally safe.
2010-10-12 07:13:40
I had the sleeves just to be on the safe side, what you guys think of the GT28R dual ball bearing ?
2010-10-12 07:17:26
Good turbo, but it won't get you to your 450-500whp range.

2010-10-12 13:52:14
Sinner man if i was to buy a turbo it would.be a sc62 for sure.

I currently run a t28718r .86 and make 400whp at 18psi on pump gas. Its a great turbob with alot left in it.

But agian id have to agree with nissan crazy !

2010-10-12 14:21:35
SC6262 = WIN. Definitely the turbo I'll be buying on my other project.
2010-10-12 14:46:42
I think the 6262 is a great turbo ....but this guy is talking about short track racing , where response really counts , it is not like he is building a street car / hwy killer , like most of us , I just feel they might be a better turbo for his app.......
2010-10-12 14:53:59
^You are correct. In that case, I would lean more towards STRATTON's setup. It seems to be responsive as h*ll and with water/meth injection he could make that extra power.
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