Actually it's 175whp. Coming from the man himself, Mike Kojima.
Building the Bulletproof Transmission, Secrets of the Pros > MotoIQ > Magazine Articles
Is there no hope for the owners of the SE-R? Well, although the cure is elusive the situation can be helped quite a bit. The Nissan FWD five speed transmission is exceedingly weak. It can only hold around 170 whp in any sort of long term use and starts to become a very iffy proposition when the power levels exceed 200 whp. The gears are narrow, with third gear being amazingly, dumfoundedly narrow. The shafts are spindly and unsupported with wide spans between bearings which allow gear spreading flex. The transmission case is thin and weak; it cracks and flexes allowing the gears to spread apart reducing the tooth engagement precariously and making thing even more likely to fail.
Mine did fine at 230whp/220wtq, for about a year. I doubt it will live too much longer under boost.
Originally Posted by
TommyDamn! I soooo want to do a mild turbo bolt-on setup just to get me over the 200 hp- 200 ft/lbs threshold.
Do a simple T25 setup, or go VE