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Thread: Fresh turbo build hesitates at 12.5% throttle....

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2010-09-17 04:00:57
Fresh turbo build hesitates at 12.5% throttle....
As checked by my apexi at about 12-13% throttle car sputters until i let off a bit or press the gas a bit. Checked the narrow band (wideband comming soon dont flame) and the afr leans out pretty bad only at this point. New build so it only sees about 2500-3k rpm so you can imagine it gets pretty annoying...

B14 Maf
DET block
VE head
b13 calum basic (stock det tune) with stepdown harness
t25 (which im conviced has bad oil seals bc of smoking)

-Check my tps to see if i would dial out, .45 at first changed to .5 then .55 still the same.
-Also ran all b14 sensors with DE b13 ecu and stepdown before swap to make sure everything was compatible. ran flawless.
-I had to disconnect part of my idle controls to get the car to idle. the smaller plug attached to the brown solenoid was disconnected bc idle would jump to 2k+ and wouldnt adjust out. idle 850ish now. could this be my issue?!
2010-09-17 04:12:29
are you running pull through or blowthrough?
2010-09-17 10:46:50
DE maf blowthrough
2010-09-21 22:26:48
Try checking the distributor
2010-09-22 01:01:42
spark plug gapping?
2010-09-22 01:13:02
Booooooooost leaks!

And get a wideband
2010-09-22 02:35:24
I am going to say boost leak as well because I have the same issue. Everything was perfect until one day it started bogging at partial throttle. When I looked under the hood the clamp on the coupler at the turbo outlet blew off! Massive boost leak!
2010-09-22 13:40:47
boost leak or check the gaps of the spark plugs, if too wide, gap them down.
2010-09-22 23:07:28
ngk 7's at 29, i will make a boost leak tester and see what happens... dizzy is fine, ran almost the exact same sensors na and with the de ecu and it ran flawless.
2010-09-22 23:22:56
Damn that's a low gap for what you're running. Open those bad boys up as far as you can without blowing out spark!
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