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That's the problem, in case of another failure I can't afford to keep buying the pauter rods. They are just too expensive. These honda guys are doing upwards of 900whp on the eagles without failure revving to 10k. They don't really care if they break though because they build a new motor every year.
I don't plan on going over 600whp as the car is my daily. 400+whp for sure though.
I here what you are saying man, but the pauters can take the abuse.
So what are you gonna do, remove the pauters and put in the eagles so you dont care if you spin a rod or bend it. Cuz that just doesnt make sense.
So if you dont already have the pauters then get eagels, but if you are already running the pauters then dont change em. If the motor blows, then replace the pauters with eagles.