Ok, got the chance to hook up the MBC and went for an extended test drive adjusting the go fast knob till I got it to where it would go to 15lbs on my boost gauge then slowly dips to 13lbs?? Is this the "boost spike" that I hear everyone talk about being the down side to running a MBC? I have the MBC mounted in the cabin, I'm assuming this ok? havent heard of anyone saying its not???
While at 13lbs on some long 4th gear pulls the AFR's are right at 11 with no corrections on the VAFC so it appears to be safe at that boost level. Feels pretty good too!
Another question......
Is the fact that its going to 15lbs gauge pressure then dipping down and setteling at 13lbs boost spike from the MBC or should I look for an actual boost leak? Once it hits 13lbs it holds there until I let off the gas pedal so it seems my system is tight??
Thanks for your help guys, I understand the basics of a turbo set up and how it works but this is my first actual turdblowed car, always ran the devil sauce up till now and like I mentioned before I'm learning as I go here and what I can pick up from you all.
While at 13lbs on some long 4th gear pulls the AFR's are right at 11 with no corrections on the VAFC so it appears to be safe at that boost level. Feels pretty good too!
Another question......
Is the fact that its going to 15lbs gauge pressure then dipping down and setteling at 13lbs boost spike from the MBC or should I look for an actual boost leak? Once it hits 13lbs it holds there until I let off the gas pedal so it seems my system is tight??
Thanks for your help guys, I understand the basics of a turbo set up and how it works but this is my first actual turdblowed car, always ran the devil sauce up till now and like I mentioned before I'm learning as I go here and what I can pick up from you all.