I actually gain a lot of power just switching both cams at 3500rpm or so. You can actually feel the car gain power when the cams switch even at that low of rpm. Full boost is 12psi at about 3700rpm in 2nd. It really depends on the gear.
But I can say that after driving the car for a bit and doing some fine tuning; this setup is an absolute blast. I've never, EVER, had so much fun with the car. It really seems like every small step I've done to improve the responsiveness all adds up and the car is immensely fun to drive. The response is just amazing. I've given a few ppl rides and they all agree that the car feels really intense. Boost hits hard, and the powerband is extremely broad. It is crazy to see the boost response with this turbo.
I got a ride in a friends DE with a GT2871r with the .64 housing on 10psi, and my car spooled faster and hit harder. His car is really quick, and very smooth, but the super sentra is a monster. Its loud, its stiff, and the thing is just very rewarding every time I turn the key. I am now turning my focus on making the car a better overall driver. I put in a nice stereo, getting a sub soon, put in HIDs, cleaned her up a bit. I am going to be doing a full out cleaning job on the inside and out for the 5th Annual Utah Nissans Dyno Day! Woot!
I am hoping for bigger numbers than I have ever done, 24-26psi of boost or however much the boost controller will allow and some 116 octane for safety. Hopefully she does well, because on the street I couldn't be happier with the performance! I finally feel like this car is right where I have always wanted it, and I drive it daily on only 11-12psi!
I do have one small issue with the car. Sometimes it gets thrown into idle fits and the idle bounces up and down. Sometimes if it is really bad the car will stall out, but I have noticed this ever since I put in the lightweight flywheel. Even when I was NA. It just seems like the thing throws a fit every now and then. Aside from raising the idle to prevent the revs from dropping too far (idle is 850 right now), I am not sure what I can do to fix this small issue.
I have had one small bout of detonation on the car. I was running 17psi and I think some oil was still left in some of the charge pipes from when I blew a coupler. Long story short, I saw some dark black spots on the ceramic of my plugs. All of them. Not silvery at all, but after some research on the net, some say it is caused from the oil burning causing some detonation. Not sure on that, so I did lower timing just a degree or so and I haven't pushed it since. Better safe than sorry.
I figured I could run around with 360whp on 13psi with aggressive timing, or 340whp on 13psi with safer settings. Still, getting over 300whp on this turbo on 10psi is pretty decent for pump gas. I figure about 320whp on 10psi. 340 on 12psi, and 360 on 14psi. With race gas and more timing it could really make a lot more power. This VE motor responds with timing, it loves it. I just don't know how much I could really get away with, so I am going to play it safe. If it costs me 20whp on the same boost level to have my engine last, so be it.
Sorry for the long read. I hope you all enjoy reading my blogs on this car, and I hope it still inspires people to keep playing with these cars. The community has somewhat dwindled a bit as of late, but hopefully you guys all stick with it and have FUN! I'll post pics of everything, including dynos, in the coming weeks.