here is my old post about setups from the other forum:
Pics are here:
I bought a 4 gallon fuel cell from Summit Racing, the more water the better as it can absorb more heat over a longer amount of time. This was about $70 shipped or so but you can go to a smaller 2 gal. unit if you want to save a few bucks, I don't recommend it. I also recommend trunk mounting this so you get more water in the system due to extra lines, you don't want heatsoak from engine bay.
THE BEST place for an IC is a place called extreme machines. They are an ebay store and sell IC units on ebay all the time. I called them and they built me an IC that is twice the size of the one shown in this thread for only $420 shipped!! That is a great deal and it works AWESOME!
Get a Tru Cool brand trans/oil cooler from [url][/url] to pull heat out of the water. Something like $63 will get you the perfect size cooler for a system in our cars.
Next is the pump, and this is crucial! You have to get something that can run a long time and can run dry (in event of something leaking and water is lost). The best pump out there is the Jabsco 18510. order Jabsco Centri-puppy #18510-0020 from here. They are in Rhode Island but shipping isn't bad. Should be like $170 total.
Then you run 1/2" water lines to connect them all together!