From fastspec2
A bigger gate gives you better flexibilty on boost levels withoutworring about creep. The closer you are to the turbo's limit the smaller gate you can run and not have creep issues. If you wanted absolute max boost you'd run no gate right? So from that perspective the closer you are to the turbo's limit the less critical gate flow becomes. A 44 will work fine for your setup. To be honest, I've run a number of t3-4 setups with 38mm gates on sr's and I've never experienced any creep whatso ever. These wre mostly 350hp setups as well running anywheres from 15-20 psi, not something I would consider near the flow limit of a 57trim stage3 wheel.
I was being the devil's advocate here. Fastspec sums it up perfectly, the wastegate size can be smaller as the limits of the turbo are reached.
I am trying to provoke thought. Ideally you could run no gate, and make a ton of boost, up to the turbo's limits. But that doesn't necessarily mean you need a large gate on a turbo on low boost. I've run a 38mm tial on 3psi spring on a T67 turbo through, effectively, a 4.4L engine without ANY creep at all.
The only case you would ever need a large gate when running low boost on a large turbo, is if the turbine housing is sized to provoke boost creep. IE, small exhaust housing.
A small gate would control boost pressures until the flow capabilities were exceeded. For instance, running that 38mm tial on 3psi spring created ZERO creep. However, once boost was turned up to 9psi there was severe creep issues all the way to 16-17psi that were very difficult to control and tune. We ultimately changed exhaust housings to effectively fix the issue, so it did.
I wish I had a boost curve that could predict at what flow rate you would get creep, but unfortunately it is hard to predict until it happens. But it is a curve, and linearity cannot be accurately projected until you try it.
I honestly think that most people wont get creep issues unless the turbo is large, 500hp capable, and the wastegate placement is not ideal.
All that being said, my log manifold had terrible wastegate placement, but I never had creep issues until running over 25psi. At that boost level in 4th and 5th gear the car wanted to charge for 30+psi. But on low boost, this was
never the case.
Just food for thought.