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Thread: Name these injectors!?

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2010-07-08 10:58:03
Color has nothing to do with it. One manufacturer may use Orange for 42# injectors, while another may use Black. This has been proven.

Your guaranteed method is to spend a little bit of money and have them tested. Then you'll know for sure, without any uncertainty.
2010-07-08 11:01:29
Oh, and here you go:

PYTHON Injection, Inc.

Just call them. Tell them what you got, and they'll tell you what they are.
2010-07-08 12:50:26
Originally Posted by boostednx
I am not 100% sure just check and see they go by colors .

Epic fail. You haven't worked with many injectors before apparently.
2010-07-08 23:38:24
Originally Posted by wnwright
Epic fail. You haven't worked with many injectors before apparently.

I love new no holds barred Nathan. Now that's how you're supposed to come out of hiding.
2010-07-10 01:29:20
I'm here to help and then some.
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