Using the most "realistic" values I could to plug into the calculator I came up with this map:
That's a target of 241 HP (to end up with 18 psi).
Using the same data on a GT2860R gives this:
So we know something is quite wrong with the calculations. Personally, the old T3/T04B and similar turbos are not something I'd put on a car. They are just too inefficient. However people do it and it works. The real trouble with this turbo is that it is quite large. It is capable of flowing like a GT3076R however it's surge line is much worse. It is much steeper. We know the GT3076R works on an SR20 without surge. Here's that map:
Even a GT3582R will work without surge on a high flowing SR20. Here's that map:
Somewhere between the Gt3076R and the Gt3582R is the surge limit for a typical SR20. If I massage the data put into the calculator to make the lines work that way, I think we can get a good idea of what's going to happen with the T3/T04B.
I'll come back after I've done that.