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Thread: turbo set ups (post pics )

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2014-05-10 19:22:14
because only 100 fwd sentra owners are left. Nothing more to see now.
2014-05-10 20:43:01
Originally Posted by D-Unit121
y no new turbo set up pics?

How bout this. A couple new things, getting ready for convention. Painted VC and a cold air supply for intake. What you think. O yes, bay will get a good cleaning b4 convention.

Last edited by blckse-r on 2014-05-10 at 20-44-02.
2014-05-10 23:54:36
Originally Posted by BlueRB240
because only 100 fwd sentra owners are left. Nothing more to see now.

Guess i'm 1 of the 3 remaining G20's then. Not much changed with mine over the past 2 years. It's just waiting for a T28.

2014-05-11 01:37:47
2014-05-11 10:55:12

My ve-t b13
2014-05-11 10:59:56
I hate all of you

no I don't
b ut

I am jealous

especially the VE turbos
2014-05-11 11:52:53
go ahead and boost yours storm.....you dont have to wire anything so u got this
2014-05-11 11:59:26
Originally Posted by D-Unit121
go ahead and boost yours storm.....you dont have to wire anything so u got this

Lol are you sure?? I HATE WIRING!!!!! But its not my fault. You see I was born that way. So I don't know what I'm missing. Look around the room your in right now. I can only see about 1/4th of what you do. All wires look grey to me or greenish unless there's a blue one with a bright orange stripe or something, b/c I can pick up the stripe.

- - - Updated - - -

Originally Posted by niSSSdan

Is that SR16? Or did you just paint the VC? Good job either way
2014-05-12 11:43:39
Originally Posted by Storm88000

Originally Posted by niSSSdan

Is that SR16? Or did you just paint the VC? Good job either way

It's actually a 20V bottom end with a 16VE head and 20VE. (Which makes it the same as a 20VE I know)
But yeah, bought the VC brand new a year or so ago.
2014-05-13 06:14:35
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