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Thread: Blow off valve options

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2010-05-11 05:54:15
Blow off valve options
i just want to see what bov's some of you are all running, whether or not it's recirculated, and how it performs.

i've been thinking of either a greddy or a synapse synchronic. mostly because both have the option to recirc and seem to prevent surge the best. but im curious to see how other types work out for others.
2010-05-11 12:27:32
crushed dsm ftw!
2010-05-11 12:41:31
Non-crushed 1G DSM BOV here. Not recirculated yet, but I'm going to do that sometime soonish. Extremely cheap, reliable, and flows enough for my needs. Sound is not obnoxious.
2010-05-11 13:15:11
synapse synchronic best bov out there, not the cheapest but the bst imo, the dsm are nice becuase they are cheap and you can recirc them.
2010-05-11 14:39:52
I go back in forth between the one my avenir motor came with and and type rs (not as loud as you would think)
2010-05-11 15:02:37
DSM un-crushed re-circed. Good for 17psi iirc and you can modify it for more boost. The proper way is not crushing. Only problem is its too quiet.
2010-05-11 15:24:16
Synapse FTW.
2010-05-11 16:05:49
I am a Tial fan. I know for of those of you rocking the draw through that will nto work well. If you are blow through the Tail is an option.
2010-05-11 16:15:32
Tial has a recirc housing. If I were to spend real money I'd get a Tial and recirc it.
2010-05-11 16:22:03
Originally Posted by Cliff
Synapse FTW.

synapse here as well. I used to run a 1 dsm when I had a recirculated setup.
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