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Thread: Dynoed My NX2K yesterday!!!

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2010-04-09 06:21:42
only "dyno'd my car" thread i've ever seen with no numbers
2010-04-09 06:27:15
Well here is the poo poo digital camera vid that I told yall I took. You can't even hear the car because the sound quality sucks and the dyno fans was loud as ish.

2010-04-09 06:29:30
ok, there's the vid...

WHAT ARE THE DYNO NUMBERS???????????????????
2010-04-09 06:45:12
Let Tauriq tell you man I don't know what the hell he is waiting on. HP was mid Three hundreds and Torque was low three hundreds thats all I'm saying for now.
2010-04-09 12:41:36
lol this thread is on its way to becoming epic
2010-04-09 12:49:14
^ yeah an epic fail if wangwang dont post his numbers ! lol.

2010-04-09 12:53:39
So what's the big secret?

I just read a bunch of excuses!
2010-04-09 13:00:14
why the hell were the numbers not posted. Yeah did sound like a bunch of excuses as well. Most of which would not even affect the numbers. A leaking exhaust gasket will not affect turbo dyno numbers.

Anyways post up the numbers. There is nothing to be ashamed about.
2010-04-09 13:24:31
closest thing we got to numbers was a hint of mid 300s which isnt bad just post them up
2010-04-09 14:08:10
Wake me when he posts the numbers T what are you waiting for???
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