Ok So I have a set of fresh S4's sitting in front of me. I wanna throw them in. But it just feels like its gonna give me more wheel spin then I have already. I know they are good for like 30-40whp in some spots and thats great. But did you like your power band more or less with the cams Preferably S4's...im just trying to see cause honestly the car is fast enough right now for what it is. I just dont wanna throw them in and then regret it. My Turbo has a good ammount of low end since its only midsized. But did you guys with mid size turbos regret putting in the cams because the power band shifted? I guess what Im really looking for here is Storys about driving your car after the S4 install. Impressions and all that good stuff
I may put mine in tom night if im not too lazy.