Yea, I kinda lost sight of that. I was posting the details on my setup because of the OP's original request for a rock solid reliable setup for 8-10 PSI. This may not be enough to get the edge on an STI. The hardest obstacle to overcome is the ability to pull hard from dead if you meet an STI at a stoplight. This is one of the reasons I parted my setup out a while back. I simply got fed up with wheel-hop, wheel-spin, and the inability to put down even modest power with street tires. But that is a different conversation all together. After the STI stomps you on the launch you gotta reel him in fast...which is gonna require more than a simple 8-10 PSI setup.
Get into a RWD or AWD car with modest power and stomp on it from a dead stop. Feel will never feel that in a FWD nissan chassis (on street tires....on the street)