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Thread: Big Power/Boost Thread! Turbos, Wastegates, Fuel systems.

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2010-03-14 08:01:35
For one, we dont get e85 here where i live or anywhere close. Hell even in the bigger cities in Az there are very very few stations that sell it. So that is for one out of the question because of availability, and two because there are downfalls to it. Very little of the 700+whp hondas you see competing in competion run e85, they all run vp or c16 or similar. Thats because it makes more power on less fuel and still keeps things cool. Yes its more expensive but when your making that much power its expensive anyways.

Ill stick to what i know and whats been proven. You see a lot of e85 cars up north and back east. Again i will keep it simple. It has worked very well for me and my setup.
2010-03-15 15:20:22
get msd 120lb injectors.
2010-03-22 15:01:00
Originally Posted by ashtonsser
Well im thinking about it, Im also still debating on just keeping the det pistons i have in there and putting the ve head with stock cams and supertech s&r's What ya think man. Or do you think i should just switch out the pistons to the Ve CP pistons and go N1's, Will it make that big of a difference with the turbo im running. I saw JP's gains with his large turbo going from 20ve cams to 16ve non n1's. Dont think he ever go to test the n1's on his setup.

Debating debating.

I have the VE CP pistons and have no issues. I'm running the non N1 1.6 cams and everything seems good. I still have a T28 so i don't know how much power you would gain. I heard they like big turbos though.
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