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Thread: finally ! upgrading my turbo !!

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2010-04-02 06:24:22
I ran 18 psi straight pipes with worms clamps and I didn't have problems blowing off couplers. I would have to check them because they would loosen over time though.
2010-04-02 15:29:37
i was running the t clamps which i think are pretty good but couldnt get more than 1bar before the couplers blew off the hairspray idea seems like a good idea but how hard is it to get the pipes off after spraying them
2010-04-02 16:10:41
which hairspray is reccommended? i tried my sisters, lol, and it didnt do a thing for me, couplers came off by hand as simple as the did before coat of spray i laid
2010-04-02 17:34:57
Aquanet, etc. All hairsprays are pretty much the same (use mega hold or whatever). Key is to spray it rather liberally.

Clean the pipes and couplers first, too.

I use Bed Head brand hairspray, kinda expensive but it sticks like no other. I actually stuck my fingers together and couldn't pull them apart, I had to use my other hand's fingers to help separate them
2010-04-02 17:44:58
white rain works wonders. Its also good in a potato gun.
2010-04-02 20:06:27
? ^ lol.

2010-04-02 20:28:04
Originally Posted by STRATTON
? ^ lol.


Potato guns are cool. I used to have one. I also got bored one day at work and made a propane powered cannon. We stuffed all kinds of things in it to see how far they could travel. The tape ball was the best and could travel 200 yards. It was 6" in diameter.
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