turbo still hasnt come, plent of other stuff from presicion has arrived but not my turbo, the guy says it should be here tomorrow !
i hope so, cars looking good, got new rims thrown on, tomorrow gonna slap some suspension technique.
jr's doing a mild tuck/cleaning up the engine bay. i dont want to pull off the fenders so its going to be mild like i said, and once the turbo is there gonna slap that on. and just need to fix the battery tray in the hatch etc.
i hope so, cars looking good, got new rims thrown on, tomorrow gonna slap some suspension technique.
jr's doing a mild tuck/cleaning up the engine bay. i dont want to pull off the fenders so its going to be mild like i said, and once the turbo is there gonna slap that on. and just need to fix the battery tray in the hatch etc.