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Thread: Gasket-transplant

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2010-02-21 21:45:52
Ok, so I had some bad exhaust leaks that needed to be addressed and quick. Had a leak at the turbo inlet and J-pipe. Took some pictures just for S's and G's.

Here goes:

Spencer had to finish the Gas Pedal job on this Camry.

Got the car up in the air.

I spy boost!

Draining the coolant from the turbo.

Time to get the manifold off.

Yeah, she needs a bath. (which I gave her yesterday)

Got the turbo/manifold out. I sprayed this down thoroughly with brake clean.

Starting to get the turbo and manifold separated.

AAAAANNND that, unfortunately, is where the pictures end. But we got the gaskets replaced, and everything cleaned up. The car runs much better now. I realize, only after all this, how severe the leaks I had were. And how detrimental they were to performance.

Anyway...that's all. Just wanted to share.
2010-02-21 22:32:26
Nice Adam, finally get to see your ca
2010-02-27 02:22:21
is that jones junction?
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