So after 3 long years i finally got my car put back togeather and start it. It putters and dies, putters and dies, Finally it starts and RPMS shoot up to 5 so i kill the car. Check my throttle body and loosen cable to make sure it's not sticking open. Same thing. So i unplug my z32 maf and start it and it runs like butt but it idles around 1500 rpms and stays there. Any ideas what would cause this? bad wiring for the maf? Looked for vacuum leaks and didn't see anything, checked the actual cam timing and made sure both cams were on, more to do with it running like butt and missing. Not really sure it's been to long since i've worked on this thing. It's an enthalpy ecu tuned for Z32 and afc is set to 5 in 5 out.