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Thread: Twin Disk Failure!!!!!!WTF Pics inside

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2010-02-22 16:54:49
Ashton that's unacceptable. I'd be on the phone demanding a complete refund (I don't care how old it is). That's just ridiculous.
2010-02-22 17:03:16
Originally Posted by Cliff
I say this often: It's not HP that breaks things, it's WTQ. Your 4Runner may only make 150hp, but it still makes more torque.

Right on. Toyota 22RE 116 HP @ 4800 RPM - TORQUE 140 @ 2900 RPM. If it is putting down 100 ft/lbs nowadays I would be surprised.
2010-02-22 19:07:02
I called competition clutch this morning and they are more than willing to stand by their product he is gonna be giving me a call back to either do a full exchange or hell of a deal on new disks. So we will see what they say either way it won't be too bad of a fix. The disks are listed at 260 for the set of two. And about the input shaft they are all the same every year. There is nothing on my end that would cause this.
2010-02-25 19:39:16
My friends and I have had nothing but good experiences with Competition Clutch. When something has gone wrong (it seems as high power cars have a tendency to wear things out) they do stand by their product

Originally Posted by NJse-r
Right on. Toyota 22RE 116 HP @ 4800 RPM - TORQUE 140 @ 2900 RPM. If it is putting down 100 ft/lbs nowadays I would be surprised.

and here is my old 22re doing work lol
2010-02-25 19:44:16
Yeah ive been talking with Dan at Competition Clutch, turns out i have the one and only Competition twin disk they ever sold. And yes they are sticking by their products. They will be sending me two new Ceramic disks for the clutch to replace the sinistered iron disks.

This free of charge i believe as well. I sent him all the pics and measurements as requested and just waiting to hear back from him when he gets back from Vacation on Monday.

This should all be taken care of and big Ups to Competition Clutch for their support even though i wasnt the original purchaser of the clutch. So should all be back together and good to go and hope for the best that it wont happen again down the road.
2010-02-25 19:47:08
Wow not that is service
2010-02-25 21:02:45
Good service!
2010-02-27 04:11:38
clutch wasn't balanced thats my guess. Good to see that they stand behind their product.
2010-02-27 13:10:07
I am glad to finally see someone standing behind their product and actually giving a damn. It seems very rare that is the case nowadays..... It got even worse with the ecconomy. Refreshing!
2010-02-27 13:14:57
Did you have both dowel pins in the block to align the trans? If you didn't, it will cause a problem like this.
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