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Thread: what size are stock det injectors?

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2010-02-24 04:13:16
Originally Posted by FLb13hp
No what dosent, i have them in the car now with no mods.

Can you post a Video? I wanna hear it run with the 370's with the stock ECU
2010-02-24 04:50:18
Originally Posted by FLb13hp
Well looks like it does work.... Thanks again for the info.

No problem man, anytime you need to me to make up a response using big words that sounds like it might make sense don't hesitate to ask.
2010-02-24 13:35:05
The car will run but you will get about 5-7 mpg no joke. It will run like crap, I have seen it done. It may feel ok to you but if it does that is because you don't know any better, LOL.
2010-02-24 16:10:03
Originally Posted by xCONWRATHx
Certainly, the artificial intelligence inside your ECU is able to recognize the flow rating of your injectors through an interface in the plug. It'll run a little rough for a couple of minutes, but once your ECU has re-mapped your fuel loads you'll be good to go!

Those were a whole lotta big words. Lmao

Na man, i topped off the tank and the fuel gauge hasnt gone down all day!
2010-02-24 16:26:23
Originally Posted by Johnny
Can you post a Video? I wanna hear it run with the 370's with the stock ECU

^So do I.
2010-02-24 16:34:52
This thread is too funny
2010-02-24 16:48:41
Cant put up a video, i dont have a camera but ill see what i could do.
2010-02-24 17:09:00
I have seen this done...It is a horrible idea and should only be used in a temporary situation. I really hope you have other plans for your car besides putting in larger injectors and thinking your computer will adjust itself.
2010-02-24 17:22:51
Yeah, i have the DET just waiting for a tranny. But till then im just experimenting with the de.
2010-02-24 17:42:39
you should start a thread about the lowest possible hp out of a de! maybe some 8.5:1 pistons are in order? is it a highport? probly toss some lopo cams in there just for good measure.
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