well guys i got a b13 and swapped a bluebird in it. it was workin fine. till one day my whole engine bay was soaked with oil. i noticed that the dipstick was poped out. so every time i would run it the dipstick poped out. also i have a big oil leak idk from where i do know i got to get my oil pan replaced and i do have them. also theres white smoke coming out my exhaust and ever since it messed up it has a suburu boxer engine sound. also when ever i put clean oil, which is frequently because it leaks it, it alwasy comes out dirty or black rite way. i took it for a spin today and i saw some oil in the exhaust. ANY IDEAS WHAT MIGHT BE WRONG WITH IT? REALLY NEED HELP ON THIS ONE GUYS. THANX FOR HELPIN PM ME WITH ANY IDEAS.