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Thread: What Is A Muffler Bearing?

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2008-01-31 04:13:49
Originally Posted by Brett
..find headlight fluid.

That one is easy. It's what you get in your light casing after a rocks hits it and it cracks then it rains. Too easy. lol
2008-01-31 04:33:11
don't fancy cars have fluid sprayed onto the headlights to clean them? Would that be considered as headlight fluid? haha
2008-01-31 04:37:01
Motul makes blinker fluid.

2008-02-13 05:22:04
2008-02-13 07:18:34
aaahahahahahahaha amazing! finally i can get that khenutsen vavle i've been needing...
2008-02-13 09:04:03
Is not a 'bearing' a part used to support the mass and facilitate the motion of another moving part? So yeah, you don't need a turbo, the rubber exhaust hanger above the muffler that keeps it from hanging down and accommodates it's vibration is a muffler bearing too.
2008-02-13 16:23:49
Originally Posted by Lynnwood_Blvd
Is not a 'bearing' a part used to support the mass and facilitate the motion of another moving part? So yeah, you don't need a turbo, the rubber exhaust hanger above the muffler that keeps it from hanging down and accommodates it's vibration is a muffler bearing too.

no, a bearing is a moving part designed with ball bearings for low friction and freedom of movement (rotational)...the rubber exhaust hangers are not bearings...they're hangers.
2008-02-13 16:40:58
2008-02-13 18:40:39
Look no further
I can now put the fluid in!
2008-02-19 21:56:45
Originally Posted by sqd
the question has plagued our community n00bs for several years now. well, i have the answer for you.

this is a muffler bearing:

FACT: a turbocharger reduces noise and therefore is technically a muffler
FACT: there are bearings in the CHRA. typically there is one for the compressor side and one for the exhaust side.

SO if we refer to the turbine as a muffler and there is a bearing on the exhaust side of the CHRA, then we have a muffler bearing.

as created by sqd, gt2871blubird, and prodrifter

You bastards...look what you've done!!! WHY????
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